
Kohler School Foundation

Taking students beyond the basics of public education

The Annual Fund

Designed to be used in the short term, the Annual fund in the past has supported many initiatives that have specialized in bringing technology into the district.  This technology has been available from the elementary level through high school and has allowed opportunities for all Kohler students to experience the world without leaving their seats.

The Fall Follies Event has been the primary source of the Annual Fund contributions. 


2011-12 -  two (2) mobile iPad labs and a laptop lab to be used in the classroom and library to aid students in everyday learning through the latest technology.

2010 - challenge day:  a day of experiential learning that helped Kohler students discover the possibilities of social connection through group exercises causing them to to think more broadly about expressing themselves and discovering potential through celebrating truth and diversity.

2009 - distance learning center:  the Kohler School Foundation's 2009 Annual Fund supported the build-out of a state of the art distance learning center to link Kohler Schools to classes and learning experiences throughout the world.

2008 - overhead projection units:  each classroom is furnished with an overhead projection unit to allow faculty to link their computers to the front of the room for demonstrations, presentation, internet research, and more.

2007 - mobile laptop lab:  a mobile cart which houses 30 laptops for in-class use, this concept brings the computer lab to the students