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Fall Follies
October 25th
Kohler School Foundation Scholarships
Kohler School Foundation Scholarships are now live!
Deadline is February 26th at 8:00 am.
2024 Fall Follies
Thank you for all of you support!
We would love to thank our community, our school staff, the Fall Follies Committee for a fantastic year!
It is with your generosity that the Kohler School Foundation can help bring Kohler School BEYOND THE BASICS.
What we do
What is the Kohler School Foundation?
The Kohler School Foundation is a non-profit organization that grants money to initiatives that support the Kohler School District’s strategic priorities, provides scholarships to graduating seniors, and takes the district beyond the basics of what the typical public school budget allows. The Kohler School Foundation’s funding is designated solely to support the district.
Who is the Kohler School Foundation?
We all are. While the organization is comprised of a collection of local volunteers, without the dedication and support of YOU, the Foundation simply would not exist.
What is Fall Follies?
This event has become a wonderful celebration known for fun and camaraderie. In its seventeenth year, Fall Follies is an evening that brings together the district’s supporters: community, staff, and corporate contributors. It celebrates both school and community and is a great opportunity to meet new neighbors, connect with others, or enjoy a night out without the kids! The proceeds from the silent and live auction fundraiser go toward the Annual Fund, directly impacting the next school year, and a portion to the Visionary Endowment Fund, that helps in future years. It will be held October 12th at The American Club Resort Hotel. The ballroom is quickly filling.
How can I give if I cannot attend Fall Follies?
- Write a check for a tax deductible donation and deliver it to the school or send to: Kohler School Foundation, 333 Upper Road, Kohler, WI
- Donate Online from HERE.
- Bid online in our auction. (Coming Soon!)
- Donate an auction item HERE
What do I wear to Fall Follies?
There is no obligation to dress up, it will be a fun night no matter what, but we think dressing up is half the fun! Wear anything GOLD! Or anything you feel comfortable in. Fall Follies is intended to be FUN - not stressful.
Our Mission
Established in 1997, The Kohler School Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to enriching, enhancing and supporting the Kohler public education system and taking the Kohler School experience beyond the basics.
The Kohler School Foundation helps to promote excellence in the Kohler School system by:
- awarding grants for projects and purchases that support the curriculum
- funding scholarships for students and professional development for educators
- providing funding assistance for the ongoing and expanded needs of the Kohler Schools.
To keep pace with advances in technology and to maintain a progressive curriculum, the Kohler Schools need a reliable source of revenue separate from the restricted and often challenged public funding. Your commitment can help make the difference!